Researcher, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden


Emanuela works as a Researcher at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden in the Sustainable Business unit. She has a background in environmental management, business and public administration.

At RISE her areas of expertise include circular economy and some enablers such as business model innovation, management systems, standards and public procurement which she investigates in both Swedish focused and EU projects. 

Emanuela’s role at RISE benefits from a variety of experiences and knowledge thanks to her previous occupations as a Business Coach & Consultant for cleantech start-ups and as an EU Affairs Adviser for cooperative enterprises. 

Emanuela holds an MBA - Enterprise, Innovation and Circular Economy programme from the University of Bradford (UK) and has been a Practitioner member of IEMA (Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment) since 2010.


Theodora Þorsteinsdóttir


Joonas Sirviö